Mustang Graphics Kits

At deSIGNco we love cars. We also love making them stand out from the crowd and that is exactly what we do with our Ford Mustang Graphics Kits.

We have racing, rally and retro designs or we can even design a kit completely from scratch, just for you, with our in-house graphic design services. DeSIGNco have even mastered the tricky curves and lines of the Ford Mustang to develop the Retro Boss Kit (pictured above). This graphics kit runs up the bonnet and cascades over the sides, all in one piece, with no ugly joins. It tips it’s hat to the Retro Boss Kit of the 70’s and looks amazing.

We use Avery Dennison Supreme Wrapping Film for the majority of our vehicle graphics kits. These films are long lasting and come in a wide range of colours. deSIGNco can even supply specialty film cleaners to keep your kit looking its best.

When it comes to your Ford Mustang (or any car really) start a project with deSIGNco today!